How to Avoid Packing on the Pounds While Traveling This Year

The Traveler’s Dilemma: “Why Americans Gain Weight on the Road” where on the other side, the world is moving towards neo-ecology, localization, individualization, health, and wellness.

Traveling frequently for business + leisure has been an enlightening experience for me, sparking a heightened awareness of my dietary choices and a commitment to staying healthy while on the road and returning home in shape.

Throughout the post-pandemic years, my work in travel and hospitality consulting, along with a recent hospitality research project in 2023, has taken me to diverse and captivating destinations across several continents. With over 51 overnight stays at Marriott properties in the USA, Canada, Singapore (for HSMAI conferences and events), and my home country India, I’ve come to realize the importance of prioritizing health, enjoying fresh meals, and maintaining a vegetarian lifestyle wherever I go.

This personal discovery underscores the potential for a positive impact within the travel and hospitality industry, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable future for all.


Explore the reasons behind the tendency for Americans to pack on the pounds while traveling, including factors such as limited healthy food options, sedentary behaviors during transit, and the challenges of maintaining a regular exercise routine on the road.

1. Navigating Airport Dining: Tips for Healthy Eating on the Fly

Make healthier food choices at airports, research the healthier dining options alternatives to typical fast-food options, suggest eating portable snacks, and look for restaurants that prioritize fresh ingredients, grilled proteins, and whole grains.

Also try to practice moderation as I do all the time craving for like sweets, fried foods, and high-calorie snacks but I enjoy these treats in small portions and balance them out with healthier choices.

2. Fit in Flight: Staying Active While Traveling

Staying active while traveling is important for both physical and mental well-being. Some light exercises that travelers can incorporate into their journeys.

This can include in-flight exercises such as seated leg lifts, ankle circles, and shoulder rolls, hotel room workouts such as resistance band workouts, yoga, and pilates, or simple Peloton ride bike strategies for increasing physical activity during the trip if you stay at any of Hilton Hotels in the United States or United Kingdom or select hotels across Canada and Germany.

3. Cuisines Exploration Without the Weight Gain: Smart Eating Abroad or in your Locale

Here are my 5 favorite cuisines that help Americans avoid packing pounds regardless of where you are traveling.

  1. Indian Cuisines (World’s best cuisine ever (nothing comes close)
  2. Mexican food choices
  3. Mediterranean
  4. Italian
  5. French (vegetarian dietary choices)
Falafal and lentil soup new york city
falla fal, rice, lentil and salad

Explore these cuisines to enjoy their local authentic flavor without overindulging, practice portion control, make mindful food choices, and seek out healthier dining options while still savoring the flavors of the destination.

4. Balancing Business Travel: A Guide to Health on Work Trips

Business travelers face unique challenges when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle on the road, including long hours, frequent dining out for business meetings, and the impact of jet lag on health.

Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine, whether in your hotel gym or fitness facility or by going for a walk or exploring the local area on foot, can help increase your daily activity levels.

Combatting jet lag effectively involves spending time outdoors during daylight hours to help regulate your body’s internal clock and combat fatigue.

It’s essential to address aspects such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise to maintain overall health during travel.

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My goal is to support your well-being and joy during travels by sharing my lifestyle choices on this platform. Whether you’re exploring your hometown or venturing into exotic destinations, the objective is to achieve sustainable, long-lasting health without relying on costly medications.

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